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The Rock Project Encore is a school of rock for 'mature students', it is based of the teaching methods & principles of The Rock Project, but for adults! We teach GUITAR, BASS GUITAR, DRUMS & VOCALS.


So, whether you are aged 18 or in retirement, if you have always dreamt of being in a band, Encore is just what you’ve been waiting for. We welcome beginners  for most instruments, or if you have been a bedroom player all your life and want to play live with other musicians then this is your chance.


Sessions run over school terms and we offer a FREE first trial session! So why not come along and meet the team and the other members, and see if it’s for you (pre-booking essential). Then you sign up for a term, enjoy some live performance experience, and then decide whether to continue each term!


Each session lasts for 90 minutes and starts with a lesson on your chosen instrument in a group of no more than 5 members (taught in separate instrument rooms), this lasts for 45 minutes. This is then followed by a 45 minute plug and play jam session where you will be able to put into practice what you have learnt in your lesson, accompanied by the other members in the group along with the tutor team mentoring you throughout. 


During each session you will be learning enough songs to then build up and perform at arranged gigs, where friends and family can come along and see you become the rock star you always told them you would be one day!


If you would like to try out before buying your own instrument, you are welcome to use ours (we always supply drum kits and a PA system).


Want to find out full info for your local session including fees, days, times etc? Click on the map and enquire to your local session now!


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